The Science Behind Pranic Nourishment/Breatharianism


As we have met many people who are nourished by light/chi/prana to various degrees, and also practiced this lifestyle, we’re researching the possibility from the scientific perspective. Here’s what we’ve found:

<<8 weeks is considered the overall threshold for the average human’s ability to survive without food. There have been cases in human history where the time frame has been substantially shortened as well as lengthened tremendously. Continue reading “The Science Behind Pranic Nourishment/Breatharianism”


Nassim Haramein for the Pranic Consciousness Summit


Dear friends,

On Wednesday, March 29, 7pm EET/10 am PDT, we had Nassim Haramein as a guest for the Pranic Consciousness Summit.
Nassim Haramein has scientifically proven the theory of unity and the inter – connectivity of the universe and the ability of extracting energy out of vacuum. Spiritual scientist, physicist and the director of research for Resonance Science Foundation, Nassim shared his new discoveries with us, as well as his spiritual journey to connectedness. Join us here to watch the live streaming or the recording of the talk, plus many other fabulous spiritual online gatherings: Continue reading “Nassim Haramein for the Pranic Consciousness Summit”
