The DNA of The Divine – A Time of Great Potential and Power


Beloveds, we would just say something about the frequency and power of the incoming cycle and the next two years.  At this time you will “closing off” a cycle of spiritual growth and transformation that began in 1999 and culminates in 2021.  This is the Archetypal Journey of the Seeker as it was known to the ancients, following a pathway of symbols that released their power and wisdom to those whose hearts and souls were open to the process. Continue reading “The DNA of The Divine – A Time of Great Potential and Power”


Lions Gate 2019 : Complete Embodiment of the Soul: 8.8


Beloved Ones, you are standing on  the cusp of great change.  You may say that this has been so for many years, and indeed you would be right as the path of Transformation and Ascension has unfolded before you.  But at this moment, and at this time of the Lions Gate Portal in 2019, you are truly entering into an accelerated time of transformation that will take you into 2020 and that will only culminate in 2021. It is a time when you are releasing the last vestiges of the Old and fully activating the Soul Embodiment process which is the primary aim of the Ascension process.  Continue reading “Lions Gate 2019 : Complete Embodiment of the Soul: 8.8”
